Previously, on "Harry and Jenn: The Continuing Adventures":

Now, after two months of working fast food jobs and selling plasma (guess which paid better), they are off for the Kongo neighborhood of Tondabayashi City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan. There, Jenn will teach English to real-life Japanese schoolchildren at Kongo High School (well, a few of them might be robots). She's an employee of the Japanese government, a JET; Harry, on the other hand, is a different breed of gaijin. He's a lone wolf, a loner, a maverick. Nothing can tie him down, no sir, and he won't be saddled with any single job until he finds that special one that will hire him.
"Jenn, you have to get on that plane!"
"I know, Harry! I have a ticket for it, plus I've already checked my bags!"
Now, separated by an ocean, removed in time (14 hours) and space, Harry must find and be reunited with his mighty bride.
"I promise you, Jenn, I will find you. I promise."
But when? When will the Gaijin Patrol be united and finally embark on their grandest adventure yet?
...Monday, August 3rd, 9ish in the morning, AA Flight #somethingorother.
We now return you to "Harry and Jenn: The Continuing Adventures: The Blog."
*Symbolically, anyway.**
**That is, we gave the symbolic finger to the real-life John Ashcroft. True story.