Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mochi Mochi

A quick interlude in the Korean vacation account, brought to you by the letter N (for Not enough time to sort through our millions of photos):

Late last December, I was party to what is apparently a time-honored kindergarten tradition called Omochitsuki.  You guys know mochi, right?  It's that delicious (if flavorless) gummy rice cake that you can sometimes get stuffed with red bean paste or ice cream at Japanese restaurants -- adding ice cream makes mochi far less traditional but much, much more worthwhile as a dessert.

This stuff.

Anyway, apparently it's something of a tradition to round up a school's parents, make them take a day off from work, and impress them into service as mochi chefs.  The result, while extremely laborious, is something pretty interesting for the kids: they get to see they rice that they washed cooked, then mashed by their fathers into a paste.  Then...that's about it, actually.  That's mochi.  Behold the fearsome might of the fathers of Pudding class!

...And the kids of Donuts class take a whack at it, too.  Cuuuute.

The only thing of note that really happened at this thing was the amusing English of Ace's father: when asked if he was tired after swinging around a big hammer for a few minutes, he flexed and replied, "NO, MUCH POWAA."  Awesome.

Additional kindergarteny note: please join me in my illiteracy and check out how I made the school's webpage!  Well, the vice-principal's blog, anyway.  In the post about the English teachers.  At the bottom.  Woo!

More or less, my caption says that I am skilled at ukulele, that I am one of the Fun Fun English teachers, and that I am playing hockey with some children.  All true.

Next time: back to Korea!

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