Monday, August 5, 2013

Dori Village in Photos (And Videos)

Our first day, we were put to work weeding one of the gardens, a task that would acquaint us very well with a particularly vicious local weed that left long, nasty scratches on our arms.  Ass kicked by a plant...not my proudest moment, perhaps.
This was meant to be the "before" picture, with the "after" picture being one of me smiling in front of a fully-weeded garden.  I was going to take it when we finished.  Oh, what a fool I was (am).
We took a break from weeding for watering and an activity known as "weeding, but with a stick."

Aaaand there were goats.  Baby goats!  Baby goats with a taste for sweaty T-shirts!

Even on the ancient rice paddies of Gyeongju, multitasking is king.

While bonding with some of the kids who stay at the farm (some sort of farmstay/homeschool arrangement, as far as we could tell), we pulled out our iPods and decided to test everyone's Battle Power with our official Battle Power Checker App.  Nobody cross Gi-ha, or he will end you.

Part of our duties at Dori Village involved helping everyone set up for a busfull of kindergarteners who would be coming to learn about green energy.  We scrubbed the bathrooms in that disused elementary school until...well, until we were done scrubbing them.

Part of the eco-friendly fun: cotton candy!  We were going to hook the machine up to a solar panel,

The main attraction of the field trip was demonstrating how a bicycle could be hooked up to a dynamo to power a blender, which we used to make tomato juice in front of the kids.  The only downside was that I kinda don't like tomato juice, but we must all do our part for the earth.

A poster that was put up all over the school.  Eww.

After a week of labor and fun, it was time to get on the bus to Seoul.  Employment beckoned.
Yongjae very kindly drove us to the bus terminal with our bikes, bags, tent, and brick collection.  We hoped our bikes would make it through the bus ride intact.

See you again, Yongjae and Songdam!  Hopefully before our WWOOF membership expires!

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