Yes, it's one again time for the "Law and Order" of Japanese Expatriate Blogging (in that it's immensely popular, unavoidably formulaic, and always always always on): wacky photos! Yatta!

A simple premise, eloquently explained. The must-have bag of the season for high school writing teachers! And yeah, "BS" is explained below, but it's just such a beautifully straightforward opinion, isn't it?

Coffee table comes with dumb haircut and big glasses. Good Charlotte CD sold separately. Too easy?
Rilakkuma ("relax bear") is one of the big stars of...well, everything over here. A sort of competitor to the Sanriyo family, Rilakkuma and his friends (a smaller bear and...a duck?) have their faces on everything: notebooks, coffee mugs, food, beverages, home goods, school supplies, rail passes, even occasionally (horribly) cars. On this product they can be seen relaxing very effectively, drinking tea, playing cards, and eating cookies just before bed. Did I mention this is a box of condoms? Why do they look so tired, as though they're trying to fend off sleep? Why...why is the duck in the room with them? Are they planning to eat him afterwards? Or...

You are wanted by the U.S. government for a part-time job at a souvenir stand in Tokyo. Man, our president wasn't kidding around when he said he'd create jobs!

Not much to look at, but it's blue beer.
Blue. As in mouthwash-blue, antifreeze-blue. Tastes fine, really, though it's hard to enjoy if only because of the color (a phenomenon some may remember from the days of weird-colored ketchup).
The typo that started it all, that has its own
T-shirt and, presumably, its own reality TV show on VH1. It also bears mentioning that this photo was taken in Takeshita-Dori in Harajuku, one of the most popular shopping streets in one of the hippest districts in Tokyo; sure are a lot of rules for such a cool place. Then again, smork does kind of ruin the experience for everyone.
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