Monday, February 21, 2011

Everybody bok bok

My kindergarten just held its nth annual recital, an affair treated with the same level of planning and ritual as the Academy Awards or a presidential visit. Teacher movements were calculated down to the minute, meetings went on long into the night, all to ensure that the annual taking-photos-of-three-year-olds-yelling-and-wetting-their-pants went off without a hitch. And it did! I guess!

Please enjoy the fruits of 4 years of English education, the crowning achievement of my teaching career (seriously, I can't think of anything more satisfying), as performed by Rainbow Class at the 2011 Happyokai:

And, as an illustration of how early education is different in Japan, how many times did you do this in music class? How much do you wish you could have?

Mind you, these kids aren't particularly amazing or disciplined outside of this activity; this class is one of the more unruly ones at the school. Maybe it's just because this is awesome and everybody loves to do it.

1 comment:

  1. Harry - thanks for the video post; v. impressive. Kept waiting for them to swing right into "Sing!, Sing!, Sing!" or, at least, "Big Noise from Winnetka." Kids managed to be both cute and precise, a tough thing to pull off.
