Wednesday, September 15, 2010

And Really Bad Eggs

Yesterday was Pirate Day at Harumidai's Free School (again, that's the after school program for elementary schoolers). Among the many activities and pirate games were Cap'n Says, Pirate Phonics (A is for Aaaaargh, if you're wondering), and a pirate coloring sheet. After giving them 25 minutes to color, we stopped the class, donned pirate hats and eyepatches, and asked if anyone knew what the Free School theme was. Dead silence. One girl slowly raised her hand and volunteered, "Pirate?" We laughed and shouted, "Aye! Aaaaaarrrrrgh!" Again, dead silence. One boy put his hands in the air and said, "Yaaaaay."

While the students were writing the English names of things in the picture they had just colored, our most advanced student, an 11-year-old named Aimi, was (as usual) given a more difficult assignment. This is the only way to keep her from complaining that her work is too easy, feeding answers to the other kids, or turning cartwheels over and over and over and over. Basically, we had her write a story about pirates in 10 minutes. I'd now like to share with you, children of the Internet, the fruits of an 11-year-old Japanese girl's creative treatment of pirates. Sic. Enjoy!

long time ago, there were are pirates. They liked to travel. Pirates are very good people. So they don't kill a people and help peoples. so everyone loves them. One day One people went to swim in the pool. She liked swimming and she can swim very well. so she swam island to island. Swimming between island, she found shark so she scream. And she had a cell phone so she call to pirates and the number is "1123". piretes came to the place and they killed sark and rescued her. And she said "Thank you" alot. And she wanted to enterd a member so she become to a member of pirates.

The end

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